Over the last 18 months or so I have ventured back into my artwork in the mediums of coloured pencil drawings and needle felted wool sculptures.
The art work although not all directly linked to the Forgotten Little Creatures project, it does include amphibians and reptiles and I make donations from the sales of my work to wildlife and conservation organisations and will be writing articles and a blog about who I am honoured to be working with in this capacity.
Cards and prints of my original drawings along with my wool sculptures are available through my shop. I have a selection of original artwork available as well that you can see though my Instagram account.
Shop - ​https://mademe.co.uk/shop/woolley-wildlife/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/woolleywildlife/​​

I specialise in coloured pencils on black paper, working mainly on A3 and am now working A2 as well.
As well as selling the originals, I also sell prints and cards of the drawings donating a percentage to different wildlife conservation organisations.
I am happy to discuss commissions, if you are interested please email me at vic.woolleywildlife@gmail.com

Needle Felted Sculptures
I create small cute wildlife sculptures and keychains in my Wild Woolley Friends Collection and also larger more realistic sculptures.​
Everything is made using 100% ethically sourced wool from non-mulesed sheep.
​A percentage of sales are donated to wildlife conversation organisations.
You can see what I currently have in stock through my shop (link at the top of the page) and keep up to date with new releases on my Instagram page